Graafschap Heritage Center

Located in one of Holland's historic churches, this historical center displays recount this area's history from the immigration through prosperity. The themes include: Reasons for Emigration: Political, religious and economic. The journey on board the Antoinette Maria from Rotterdam (April 4, 1847) to New York (May 23, 1847) arriving in the Colony on June 20, 1847.  Establishing a new community in the wilderness, building log homes, overcoming extreme hardships and death. The village built around the church included stores, post office, blacksmith shop, lumberyard and creamery. The "Kolonie": Pioneer farmers settled neighboring villages, the church family grew, with a vision for education, and sons defended our freedom. In 1857 a new denomination was born, nine daughter churches and a sister church began through Graafschap Church.

The great leaders were Rev. A. C. Van Raalte, Rev. D. J. Vander Werp, and Senator J. W. Garvelink.


The settlers of Graafschap village came from the religious tradition of the Protestant Reformation and the teachings of John Calvin. His influence led to the formation of the Reformed churches

in the Netherlands in the 16th Century. The Reformed Church Synod of Dordt (1618-1619) affirmed the Biblical doctrines of Calvinism. This church became a State controlled church, and the government began dictating church policy and doctrine, especially during the Napoleonic occupation. That led to extreme liberalism and the Secession of 1834.

Those who still held on to the Orthodox Reformed theology felt they had to break away

from the State Church. The religious persecution, the political turmoil, as well as

the economic hard times, led to the formaton of a Christian Emigration Society.

Rev. Van Raalte and his congregation took the lead in late 1846 to immigrate to what would become Holland, Michigan. The Graafschap pioneers decided to follow them the next Spring and in 1847 established their community five and a half miles south west of Holland.


Graafschap Church & Heritage Center

Tablet next to the Replica
of 1849 Log Church
Graafschap Christian Reformed Church (1847-1997)

The mother church of the growing family of God.
Central Avenue CRC     1865
Niekerk CRC     1866
East Saugatuck CRC     1869
Montello Park CRC     1940
Bethany CRC     1946
Park CRC     1953
Maranatha CRC     1957
Gibson CRC     1976
Cambodian Fellowship     1988

"In the future, when your children ask you, 'What do
these stones mean?' tell them ... These stones are to
be a memorial to the people ... forever." Joshua 4:6-7

Tours & Information

  • Open House: Last Tuesday of the months at 7PM
  • Call office for Guided Tour: (616) 396-5008 | Monday - Friday | 9 - 12 AM
  • For Online Overview, go to Graafschap Heritage YouTube

Registered Historic Site

Church Marker in front of

the Replica of 1849 Log Church

Those who established this church were among thousands of Europeans who sought to escape religious and political persecution and economic depression by emigrating to America in the 1840s. Later Graafschap was one of the founding members of the Christian Reformed Church which bound itself closely to Dutch customns and ways of thinking, as evidenced by the fact that this church's parishioners continued to speak Dutch for two generations.

The Graafschap Christian Reformed Church is a noteworthy symbol of continuity in what is still a predominately Dutch-German-American community.

The main structure of the 1862 church was rebuilt in 2000 using the original beams to construct the Heritage Center.


"Learn how the church has always been

at the center of the Dutch immigrant community."

"See how children of Dutch immigrants have served

the country in many different ways."

"The Heritage Center has an archive that is open to researchers and is digitizing the genealogy records that go from

the early settlers to current members of the church."


5973 Church Street, Holland, MI 49423